This is my RPG page.
What's an RPG, you ask?
Well RPG is short for Role-Playing Game. It's basically improvational theater, only using rules and dice to help figure out if something that is supposed to happen actually happens. Players take on the role of different characters (usually with fantastic abilities not normally found in real life) and have adventures.
Below are some of my characters, as well as links to the systems that they are from.
The Phantom was my first RPG character. He's been made and re-made many times over the years for different systems, with his personality and his illusion abilites staying the same. What I have here is the original system and the stats that I like best.
Do you remember the Disney cartoon series Gargoyles? That's the setting Alfgar found himself in. No, he's not a gargoyle, nor does the campaign even feature gargoyles. In stead, Alfgar is part of an elete, international anti-terror squad called "Task Force Mosaic". He's half-fey, and fits right in with the demi-god, fire elemental, and bio-engineered lizard that are also part of the team.
System:Blood of Heros
Campaign: Task Force Mosaic
Alter Ego: Henry Glibson
A 450 Point Character
Dex: 7 | Str: 2 | Body: 7 |
Int: 7 | Wil: 3 | Mind: 5 |
Inf: 7 | Aur: 5 | Spir: 5 |
Init: 25 | Wealth:7 | HP: 3 |
Telekinesis: 13, Force Field: 7, Magic Blast: 10, Empathy: 5, Interface: 5
Bonuses and Limitations:
Telekinesis: Minor Power Burnout (R#: 2)
Force Field: Minor Power Burnout (R#: 2), Can Attack Through Field
Magic Blast: Minor Power Burnout (R#: 2), Power Restriction
Empathy: No AV
Martial Artist: 3, Weaponry (Firearms, Heavy Weapons, Melee Weapons,
Missile Weapons): 4, Acrobatics: 7(linked), Vehicles (Land Vehicles, Water
Vehicles): 5
Insta-Change, Language: (Speak/Read all from same native language group)
[English, German, Danish, Dutch, Islandic, Norwegian, Finnish, Hungarian,
Lapp, Flemish, Frisian, Yiddish, Swedish], Lightning Reflexes
Story/Background, Points from previous adventures, Secret Identity,
Strange Appearance, SIA (Learning the truth), Alter Ego: Controllable,
Attack Vulnerability (Cold Iron, -2 Column Shifts), MIF (Traditional Wards
Against Fairies), MPI, Dark Secret, Forced Transformation to Henry via Exorcism
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: none
Group Affiliations: Task Force Mosaic
Base of Operations: NYC
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 135lbs
Age: 1 technically
Eyes: Blue
Hair: long and white
Campaign: Task Force Mosaic
Henry Glibson
Alter Ego: Alfgar
A 255 Point Character
Dex: 4 | Str: 2 | Body: 4 |
Int: 5 | Wil: 2 | Mind: 4 |
Inf: 4 | Aur: 3 | Spir: 3 |
Init: 13 | Wealth:7 |
Charisma: 5, Running: 3, Empathy: 2
Bonuses and Limitations:
Military Science (Cryptography, Danger Recognition,
Demolition, Tracking): 5, Vehicles (Land Vehicles, Water Vehicles): 4,
Weaponry (Firearms): 4, Artist (Photographer, Writer): 5
Insta-Change, Language: (Speak/Read all from same native language group) [English, German, Danish, Dutch, Islandic, Norwegian, Finnish, Hungarian, Lapp, Flemish, Frisian, Yiddish, Swedish], Media Credentials, Media Contacts
Secret Identity, SIA (Learning the truth), Alter Ego: Controllable
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Bob (father), Sally (mother, deceased), Richard (brother)
Group Affiliations: Task Force Mosaic
Base of Operations: NYC
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 185lbs
Age: 24
Eyes: Blue
Hair: blond crew cut
Henry's father, Captain Robert Glibson, wanted the best for his son. And so, at an early age, he sent Henry to military academy for his high school and college education, in the hopes that he would follow in his footsteps and join the navy. This wasn't to be so. While Henry excelled in his classes (both academic and military), he was a bit of a trouble maker. He was always snooping around in areas where he shouldn't be, constantly questioning the authority and teachings of others, and pulling pranks on his fellow students. Nothing he did was serious enough for him to be expelled (especially with his grades, and his ability to charm those around him), but at the same time, after a few years, both the high school and the collage was more than ready for him to graduate.
Fortunately, the qualities that made him a horrible military candidate were almost requirements for becoming an investigative reporter. A degree in journalism, and several thought provoking stories in his collage news paper, helped Henry to land a job writing for a small, independent paper. The urban legend of the Gargoyles was one of his pet projects, though he never received the fame that Travis Marshal did.
He lived fairly comfortably, writing on whatever story came his way for several years, 'till one particularly frigid October evening. He was walking home from the sub-way, when he heard a shout and the clang of falling trash cans coming from down an ally. Taking out his camera, he ducked into the ally, hoping to catch whatever crime was happening on film before calling the cops. He thought that his photographs could be used to help apprehend the criminals.
He was surprised when he saw, not a criminal and a victim, but a trio of young women floating above what appeared to be their "mugger". Quickly, he took a picture, but the flash attracted the attention of the three women. Suddenly, he was in front of the three, and was unable to move.
"What have we here, sisters?" the blond haired one said.
"An interloper... a spy," the dark haired one said.
"Ah, but look closer. He shares our blood," the platinum haired one said.
"He is better than this one," the blond haired one said, gesturing to the pron mugger.
"But his blood is so weak," the dark haired one said.
"Then we shall strengthen his power," the platinum haired one said.
The three joined hands around Henry, and began to speak in a sing-songy pattern. The next thing Henry knew, he was waking up in his apartment, with no memory of what had happened.
Over the next few weeks, Henry began to experience black-outs. At the same time, a wave of burglaries had swept NYC. Someone (or possibly a group of people) were stealing artifacts with supposedly magical/mystical reputations from museums, and private collections.
After the fifth week, Henry awoke in an underground holding cell. Before he could make heads of tails of what had happened, an officer stepped into the room, and explained exactly how much trouble he was in. He was caught stealing, and had taken out five operatives while resisting arrest. Fortunately, there was some hope for him. First, none of the operatives died. Second, after some scientific and mystic tests, it was determined that Henry wasn't responsible for what had happened. The man offered to help Henry learn to control his alter ego, and the powers that it contained. Henry agreed.
Over the next six months, Henry's live resembled the movie "Eve Light, Eve Dark" as he slowly learned how to control the second personality, and it's abilities. Eventually, Henry had managed to suppress the 2nd's personality, change into that form (and back) at will, and master most of it's abilities.
Once everything was back under control, the man offered Henry a job, working for an elite anti-terrorism task force as the team's psychic and community/media representative. (That is, being a news paper reporter, he'd give the "official" versions of the story, so that the public can sleep at night, and not worry about terrorists, monsters or magic.)
Henry is very professional looking when dealing with the media, but when he's on his own, he usually wears army fatigues, or whatever the mission requires. He doesn't wear armour, so as to make the transformation from Henry to Alfgar easier. His blond hair is usually in a crew-cut.
Alfgar's "costume" (cause that's the only thing it can be called) is coloured depending on the terrain he's in. Usually, it's a green and tan vest over a poet's shirt and green pants or leggings. His hair is long and pure white. No matter how often it's cut, it simply grows back the same length once the transformation occurs again. He also has pointed ears.
Although he is still infinitely curious, Henry has calmed down since his collage days. He responds to orders well (or, at least, reasonably well) and is a good team player. His attitude towards the military has grown favorable in his young-adulthood. In social situations, he tends to get by on his charm and wit rather. In combat situations, if he isn't as Alfgar, he uses a glock or sub-machine gun.
Although he believes he has Alfgar under control, in reality Alfgar subtlety effects Henry's personality when-ever the transformation occurs. This can be seen in a more care-free/devil-may-care attitude that may (or may not) get him in trouble one day. Furthermore, Henry has discovered that he does not remember some of his abilities as well as he does when he is Alfgar. This anoys him to no end.
Rita-Anne was originally part of a short-lived Changeling: The Dreaming PBEM. She's also the youngest character I've ever played. To ballance the young aspects (and to try to keep her out of trouble), I made Terry Triceratops to act as a guardian/mentor for her. Unfortunately, she hardly listened to him, and they often bickered. Still, it was very fun to play.
About a year after the original game with Rita-Anne broke up, I discovered a game played on Live Journal, called The Rowan Chronicles, and because her story wasn't finished when the game ended, she is now in a game called The River of Grass.
The more I played Rita-Anne, the more her story grew. Originally, she travled from place to place because her older brother Ryhan decided that the Kingdom of Northern Ice (Canada) wasn't safe for her. As I played, I discovered that I needed a better reason. There is a Barron who wishes nothing more or less than to hasten the coming of the Long Winter, and one of the keys of doing so is to unlock a great Wyrm/Dragon from an Ice Castle. Only the blood of Rita-Anne's family can open it. Fortunately, the Queen of Northern Ice put a ban on the Barron from ever touching Ryah (Rhyhan) and his mortal family... then Rita-Anne became a changeling... The queen was under pressure not to revise the ban, and Rita-Anne and Terry have been running ever since.
Fortunately, Rhyhan is a fairly good magician, and was able to obscure Rita-Anne and Terry... for limited periods of time. When the spell is about to wear out, he sends word, and they are off again. Now, however, Rita-Anne is fed up with just running. She is a Knight of the House of Eliud, and even if she isn't as good a magician as her brother, she is just as good with a blade or staff. When/if the Barron comes for her, she will be more than ready to defend herself in the Kingdom of White Sands. Until then, she is getting her undergraduate degree in Archeology on a hockey scholarship.
Name: Rita-Anne Cooner | Court: Seelie | Seeming: Wilder |
Player: Me | Legacies: Wayfair/Pandora | Kith: Pooka |
Chronicle: White Sands | House: Eliund | Animal: Raccoon |
Strength: 1 | Charisma: 4% | Perception: 4# |
Dexterty: 4* | Manipulation: 2 | Intelligence: 3 |
Stamina: 2 | Appearance: 2 | Wits: 3 |
Alertness: 1 | Crafts: - | Computer: 1 |
Athletics: 3 | Drive: - | Enigmas: 1 |
Brawl: 1 | Etiquette: 1 | Greymayre: - |
Dodge: - | Firearms: - | Investigation: - |
Empathy: 1 | Leadership: 1 | Law: - |
Expression: 1 | ||
Intimidation: - | Meelee: 3 | Linguistics: 1* |
Kenning: 2 | Performance: - | Lore: - |
Persuasion: 1 | Security: 3 | Medicine: - |
Streetwise: - | Stealth: 3 | Politics: - |
subterfuge: 1 | Survival: - | Science: 2# |
Companion: 3 | Wayfare: 2 | Fae: 2 |
Remembrance: 1 | Primal: 1 | Prop: 3 |
Title: 2 | Soothsay: 2 | Actor: 2 |
Glamour: 5 | Willpower: 3 | Banality: 1 |
Jacobee was created for a second Changeling PBEM. It's still running, and focuses on the relationship between Changelings and Dreamers.
One of my friends decided that it'd be a good idea to campaign in the Final Fantasy world. (Well... one of them at any rate...) Cip quickly became part of that world. Like Rita-Anne, he's still a child, but he's much sillier than she is. Mind, the FF campaign is much sillier too! Of course, being an absolute clutz doesn't help... especially when you have a horn growing out of your fore-head.
System: GURPS
Campaign: Final Fantasy
Another friend of mine decided to run a variation of GURPS's Cthulhu Punk, where the characters were immune to the insanity inducing abilities of Lovecraft's elder-gods. Thus, they have the ability to hunt down and kill the elder-gods and their elk. This is more of a serious game than the others, and it's also one of my weakest characters.
System: GURPS
Campaign: Cthulhu Punk: Hunters
Another older character, I played Brennon in a weekly game for the 2 years, until night classes on my gaming night forced me to stop playing. The campaign is called "Mage-Punk" and it focuses on surviving in a corrupt world where magic is the dominating force. Although he's fairly weak compaired to the other characters, this cleric/paladian's shape-shifting ability has saved his life on more than one occasion. His magic artifacts also help in a pinch.